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Christian Couples Retreat: 9 Ideas for Fun and Growth


Everyday life carries enough stress with it. Why not get away from it all with your significant other? If you’re looking for ideas for a Christian couples retreat, we’ve got you covered. There are plenty of ways for you to build intimacy, have a good time, and maybe even work on your faith. Some of our ideas for a Christian couples retreat are better suited for married couples, but others may work for seriously dating couples as well. Use your best judgment and find the trip that best suits your situation.

Learn More About Relationships at a Marriage Conference

You may not think of a marriage conference as the most exciting getaway for you and your spouse, but it could save your relationship a lot of heartache. Look into a few different groups or churches that may be hosting an event reasonably close to your hometown. You may prefer to stay in a hotel so that you can focus on the lessons being taught and enjoy the feel of a vacation with a little bit of isolation away from your usual grind. This is a simple way of focusing on your relationship, learning some Biblical truth, and staying away from distractions.

Save Money By Staying at Home

We don’t all have thousands of dollars to spend at the drop of a hat. Why not save some money by staying at home for a couple of days. Drop the kids off with your parents and spend a weekend alone. There are plenty of ways to do a staycation right. You can cruise around town seeing sites and eating at restaurants you normally don’t get to visit. On the other hand, you may want to stay at home and do a little reading or take a very long nap. Not every great Christian couples retreat involves giving up a large sum of money.

Go on a Christian Cruise

Let’s talk about doing something really fun. There are so many Christian cruises which cater to a variety of interests. Sign up for the K-LOVE Cruise where you can see a dozen of your favorite Christian musicians and take in the warm sun around the Caribbean. You may opt for something more academic and want to take a trip with great teachers of theology and learn from amazing speakers. Going back to an earlier point, you can even find marriage conference cruises where you get the best of both worlds. Why not take in a little fun in the sun with your significant other?

Knock a City off Your Bucket List

New York City. Nashville. Denver. Chicago. Seattle. Charleston. There are plenty of wonderful cities in the United States and many of them are probably on your bucket list of places to visit. Whether you center your trip around a specific event or simply want to play it by ear, visiting a place you’ve always wanted to see is a great idea for a Christian couples retreat. You can go with friends, take the kids, or travel with just the two of you. It’s fun to take in new things with the person you love.

Find a Cabin and Enjoy Some Isolation

For many people, the best possible Christian couples retreat is just getting a nice cabin far from home and relishing in the solitude. You can go hiking and canoeing or keep things easy around the cabin. The world in which we currently live moves fast and often doesn’t allow for us to reflect or linger on small moments. Whether it’s one couple or a few going in on a larger cabin, this is a great way to slow things down and rest in a soothing environment.

Go on a Short-Term Mission Trip

Who says the best Christian couples retreat has to be all about you? Sometimes the best way to get over your own problems is helping others. You should definitely go into any missions or volunteering opportunities with your heart in the right place, but there can be benefits to forgetting about the issues that bog you down each day and focus on doing something for someone else. Variations on this can be volunteering for community cleanup projects, helping your church with a special event, and so on. We know this may not appeal to everyone, but it can be a positive experience for you and your significant other.

Stay at an All-Inclusive Resort for your Christian Couples Retreat

On a completely different note from the previous entry, how about going somewhere where you are waited on hand and foot? Not everyone can afford such opportunities, but if you can, take advantage of that blessing. Use your time there to grow as a couple, meditate on what God is doing in your life, and take things easy. Put away your phone and don’t worry about how you’re going to brag on Instagram. Thank God for allowing you to enjoy such a getaway, especially with the person you love.

Visit the Holy Land

Here’s where things get really interesting. If you have the means, why not get several thousand miles away from it all? So many faith-loving people have the dream to see the area where Jesus conducted His earthly ministry. This once-in-a-lifetime kind of trip is an amazing chance to witness Biblical history and culture firsthand with your spouse. Sure, a trip to the Middle East may be more than you bargained for with a simple retreat, but we can’t stress to you enough just how pivotal such a journey can be.

Take a Road Trip

Now that we’ve mentioned a few dream scenarios for couples, let’s settle on the choice many people make for a Christian couples retreat. Road trips are about the most traditional form of vacationing in American life. Everyone remembers that time in college when they went on an epic road trip or the annual journey to your grandparents house your family made when you were little. These can still be a fantastic idea for couples who want to enjoy some time alone. You can listen to your favorite true crime podcast in the car or pass the time talking about plans for the future. Traveling by car allows for us to see God’s creation and breathe in the free air, no matter the destination. Think about nearby places you might want to visit (We think 5-7 hours is about the limit) over the course of a long weekend. Leave the kids with the grandparents and go on an adventure.

These ideas for a Christian couples retreat are just a few suggestions for those who want to shake things up. Whether you go big or small, we need to get out and take time away from our busy lives every now and then. Just don’t forget that, after the trip, there are a number of ways for you to have fun with and minister to the people you love.

Coming up with ideas for a Christian couples retreat is fun, but you might need someone to help you organize it all. Premier Cruises is a faith-based company which offers several unique trips around the world. In the past we have toured the Middle East with Chris Tomlin and Hillsong, produced the annual K-LOVE Cruise, and offered a variety of other trips. Find out how you can join us for an amazing vacation by clicking on the link below.

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